Thursday 18 October 2012

FTP Log file Format

The CentOS FTP log file format:

Fri May 14 05:16:12 2010 0 ::ffff: 11974 /home/user/public_html/index.php a _ i r user ftp 0 * c

Fri May 14 05:16:12 2010 -- Date/time stamp, nothing complicated.

0 -- Transfer time, in whole seconds (this transfer took less than a second, so zero).

::ffff: -- Remote host where the user connected from.

11974 -- Size of the transferred file (in bytes).

/home/user/public_html/index.php --  Full path to the uploaded file.

a -- Transfer type, a = ASCII (plain-text files), b = binary (everything else)

_   --  Action flag, C = compressed, U = uncompressed; T = tar'ed; _ = no action was taken.

i -- Direction, i = incoming, o = outgoing, d = deleted.

r -- Access mode, a = anonymous user, r = real (normal) user.

user -- Local username authenticated with.

ftp -- The service being invoked (almost always FTP).

0 -- Authentication method, 0 = none, 1 = RFC931 authetication.

* --  User ID or * if not available (virtual user).

c -- Completion status, c = completed, i = incomplete.

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